Welcome to Secure Online Vote — proxy voting in 3 steps
Step 1: Sign In Contact Us
Please Enter your 12-digit Control Number:
If you have a 16-digit control number, SecureOnlineVote is not hosting the voting for your Proxy. Please double-check the website address on your form of proxy.
What is a Control Number?
The Control Number is a unique 12-digit number that was assigned to you for the purpose of voting at a particular shareholder or unitholder meeting.
If you recently received a Form of Proxy, a Voting Instruction Form or a Notification Email, please look for your 12-digit Control Number on the Form or Email.
- Mail Recipients: the Control Number will be located at the top of the form.
- Email Recipients: the Control Number is prominently labeled in the email message.
More Information
Our Help Page has more information regarding electronic voting.
Our FAQ has general information.
Where can I find my control number?